Friday, January 16, 2015

Looking at sweets but not eating them

I LOVE this blog Cake Wrecks! It is funny, disgusting, intriguing and questioning all at the same time. Plus it is all about cake! If I can't eat it why not look at it. Some of these cakes are just covered in frosting. When I see these I can't help but imagine what that thick butter cream would taste like and how it would feel in my mouth. I LOVE frosting! No matter what it looks like. 

I'm not sure exactly how this helps my sugar addiction, if at all, but it is certainly funny. I hope some day I will find a good cake wreck and be able to send in a photo. What is most intriguing to me are the wedding cakes. What are the bakers thinking on some of those? How could they present the bride with such a monstrosity on her special day? Oh, and there is a collection of vagina cakes and other offensive baby shower cakes depicting c-sections. You just have to see it to believe it.

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