Well, I may not be able to write everything I eat down. In this blog anyway. While it is a good experiment to try, I think I am failing at it. I can't even seem to write it down in my food journal. Writing down what I eat is a good exercise in being conscious about what I am eating, but the practicality of it eludes me.
How did I get started on writing down what I eat? I used to have a subscription to SHAPE magazine. They have these success stories of weight loss in the magazine. A lot of these success stories start off with the woman (they were always women, this magazine is targeted to women) recording what she was eating and realizing the pitfalls in her diet. So the first time I ever went on a "diet" that is what I started doing. I realized how much sugar I was actually consuming. I was in grad school and I would hide all sorts of candy in my drawer and every time I ate a piece I would write it down. I realized I was eating a lot of candy.
Side note: I LOVE CANDY! I really do. All sorts. I have always said that if my life had taken a different path I would love to work in a candy factory. On the floor helping to make delicious treats like gummy bears and chocolate kisses. Or Cheetos, I'd love to work in the Cheetos factory!
Anyway, writing down what I ate became a habit. I have struggled with how precise to make this list. Do I write the exact amount? Especially when it is something like a bowl of assorted vegetables. Does it really matter how many I eat if they are good for me? I have never been able to count calories, so that is why the amount is so difficult. But maybe that is part of my problem. Over indulgence. I seem to have always had a hard time with portion control. That is what I should probably work on next. I'm like "Little Chrissy" sometimes. (If you don't know "Little Chrissy" watch the John Waters movie "Pecker", it will all be clear then).
January 8, 2015
Breakfast is the same old same old
Hard boiled egg, 2 turkey bacon, 4 slice cheese
Grapefruit half
Vegetables and humus and dressing
Yogurt with stevia sweetener
Turkey cutlet, broccoli, mini peppers, carrots, dressing, peanut butter
Decaf coffee 2 cups
2 cups tea
Cutie (mandarin orange)
1 Hershey Kiss (I sneaked this in, I gave in to temptation)
BBQ pork (left over)
Roasted Brussels sprouts
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