Wednesday, August 26, 2015

What is healthy eating?

Here is a story to blow the top off what you think about diets, or rather what you've been told. But I have a conspiracy theory. Coca Cola has invested in food research and has its hand in promoting physical activity as the only way to combat obesity. Did Coke fund the research in this diet story? Is the Global Energy Balance Network out to keep us all fat and just call us lazy?!

So is a calorie just a calorie? Or does the type of calorie count? Are 100 calories of almonds equal to 100 calories of a cupcake? Does your body process them the same? I've seen information that says otherwise. 

Have you seen this?
It is an interesting campaign by Coke to say you need to move more, then you can enjoy more Coke.

I'm not sure how I feel about this. Is it a ploy to say, hey we aren't responsible for you being fat, you are just lazy. Well, I sure don't feel lazy these days. I am going on 6 weeks of my new exercise routine/lifestyle change and I still can't fit into my jeans. I am beginning to get discouraged. This morning I slept in. I was exhausted over the weekend and I didn't even do any heavy drinking. I guess I felt like I could use the sleep more than the exercise.

I need a little stimulus to keep me going. Fall is coming quickly to North Dakota and I'd like to be able to fit into my long pants before it gets here. Otherwise I'll be freezing in my shorts all winter.

Exercise = none this morning
Bike 20 minutes - picked up kid from daycare on bike
Monday, August 24, 2015
HB egg
Mozzarella cheese
DC coffee
2 cup tea
L/O chicken salad with corn and red pepper
L/O nachos
Smore cookie
Cheese stick
Meat stick
L/O pork and cucumber k-bob over spinich
Ice cream with chocolate chips

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