Thursday, August 20, 2015

Tear me down so I can build myself up

Coming off this sickness has given me some perspective. I felt great after my run yesterday. Exercising in the morning gives me a good feeling throughout the day because I've already gotten my workout in for the day and I don't have to worry about it.

But WHY is biking so much less of a calorie burner than running? I love biking! But according to my fitbit app I burned about half the number of calories as I did on my walk/run. Oh well, at least I am moving right?

Exercise - 40 minutes biking
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
HB egg
Apple slices
Peach slices
Tea - 2 cup
DC coffee with whip cream
4 rice crackers
5 jelly beans
Clam chowder can soup
Smore cookie x2
Grilled tofu, yellow squash, scallions and mini peppers with cilantro sauce

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