Friday, August 14, 2015

Say it ain't so avocado!

I think I have an allergy to avocado! Noooooooo! After I eat it my mouth feels like I've just eaten a whole package of Warheads! Like this guy (he starts eating around minute 2, his tongue starts bleeding at minute 3:50, then at the end his mouth is torn to shreds).

My tongue is sore and my lips are numb. The underside of my tongue is also raw and throbbing. At least I am assuming it is the avocado right now and not some infection like thrush or something. Well I hope it isn't something contagious anyway. The reaction has hung on for a few days now. I ate avocado on Sunday and here it is Wednesday and my tongue still feels numb.

So I also have my TMJ acting up. I mean it even hurts to wear my glasses! I think it may be a result of my mouth being irritated and me constantly moving my tongue around. What ever the case I am in A LOT of pain. Ibuprofen and neproxin don't seem to be cutting through it. I am ok if I don't move my jaw. And that includes eating. I think I am going to be eating smoothies today. Or this may be a good day to do that fasting thing I've been wanting to try. I mean it even hurts to swallow anything

Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Microwave egg bake with ham and cheese
DC coffee
2 cup tea
PBJ sandwich (I thought this would be easy enough to eat, but it was rather painful)
Yogurt smoothy with raspberries, peanut butter, orange juice, stevia, pro-biotics
Teriyaki chicken
Rice and cucumber salad

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