Monday, October 5, 2015

Going on vacation!

On Saturday (butt ass early in the morning) I will be boarding a plane to Los Angeles, the city of angles.

That means no holds barred on eating. I will be eating travel food the whole time. I'm going to try stuff and not worry about how bad it is for me. I'm sure however that a place like L.A. won't be too bad for me. I imagine the opportunities for good food will abound and with a more health conscious place like L.A., I assume there won't be too many things that will hurt me.

I am looking forward to going to the beach. I haven't been in so long and am looking forward to warm weather as it starts to get cold here in N.D.

Exercise = none today
Friday, September 25, 2015
Rice cake with cream cheese and jelly
Rice chex with cashew milk
Cottage cheese with kiwi
DC coffee
2 cup tea 

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