Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Keeping tabs

I'm wondering if I shouldn't evolve this blog into something more than just food and into life. I've already speculated on what I want to talk about. I've also had a philosophical post about church life.
So what do I incorporate now to create interest for myself to write about? Do I start talking about my kids? My life? Or do I move this stuff over to my other blogs?

Anyway, as you can tell there isn't much on my mind today, except for the lement that I don't log or journal my life enough. There are things I want to remember in life and I don't want them to pass me by. I want to look back on certain moments, no matter how small and remember them. It is no surprise that these moments revolve around my kids. Because it is the little moments that comprise the everyday life that I love.

Exercise =
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Everything bagel with butter
2 pumpkin doughnut holes
2 cup tea
Piece of bologna
Noodles with black beans, ricotta cheese, olive oil
4 piece of cheese
Granola bar, cherry and dark chocolate
Piece of cheese
Piece of bologna 
Quinoa chips
Enchiladas (it is supposed to be vegan but I added cheese at the request off the family)

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