Thursday, October 29, 2015

Well what do you say to this Coke!

I've debated with myself about a calorie being a calorie. And now the research is in! Here is a study that shows SUGAR is the culprit.

"The findings add to the argument that all calories are not created equal, and they suggest that those from sugar are especially likely to contribute to Type 2 diabetes and other metabolic diseases,..."

So what do you say now Coke?  By removing the added sugar from the kids in the study diet, they effectively turned their health around.

Luckily I don't have to debate with my kid's school anymore. They got a new director, far better than the other one in my opinion, and she is on board with improving the kids snacks and reducing their sugar intake.

That said...I ate 3 fun size candy bars today. I'm working on it.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Bagel with butter
2 cup tea
DC coffee with whip cream
L/O Sheppard's pie with added mushrooms
Celery and dip
Rice cake
Cheese and crackers and bean dip
Chicken and squash
2 Oreo cookies
Beer and 3 shots whipped vodka

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