Tuesday, February 3, 2015

My weird concoctions

Leftovers...I hate to waste and throw away food, thus we tend to have a lot of leftovers in the fridge. Oddly enough my husband once made the comment directed to my kids "Your mother tends to make leftovers disappear." Like that is a bad thing! I work from home, so usually my lunch consists of things I can immediately pull out of the fridge and microwave because I have a short amount of time to eat between the time I stop work and go get the kids. 

Well, with my propensity to eat all things in the fridge, I tend to put things together in weird concoctions that may bemuse some. Last week I mixed re-fried black beans with leftover zucchini and some yogurt pesto veggie dip I made. It did taste a bit odd, but was actually not too bad. I like mixing beans and canned tomatoes, I'll put cheese on anything, and when I have it I'll throw a bit of tofu in for good measure. Lately it has been soup. You can throw anything in a pot with some chicken broth and call it soup. We had this chicken dish with artichokes and onions. I just cut up the chicken into small pieces and threw it all in a pot with some vegetable broth, added some tomatoes and Wallah! Chicken, onion, artichoke soup.

For some reason today I thought, wouldn't chocolate covered cheese be wonderful? I found this blog about a cocoa covered cheese and I  would love to try it (don't bother with the video review, those guys are douches).

Well the weekend was a bust as far as staying on course, I ate a bunch of cake, drank a lot on Saturday and pretty much ate recovery food on Sunday because I just needed to get my psyche back. I am going to have to finish up the cake (along with the other members of my family) so for the next couple of days I'm going to save my sugar intake for that.

February 2, 2015
HB egg
2 piece turkey bacon
Toast with butter and jelly
4 piece cheese
Chicken artichoke soup
Potato salad
Baby Bell cheese
2 chocolate caramels
3 mini peppers
Pork roast with green beans and balsamic vinegar and olive oil
2 chocolate caramels
Sesame sticks while grocery shopping
piece chocolate cake
L/O Blizzard

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