Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Whow! What a sugar bomb yesterday!

What did I do yesterday? It was worse than the weekend. I ate A LOT of sugar yesterday. I had a bunch of cake and then the Blizzard that was sitting in the freezer left over from my birthday. I'll be safer once the cake is finished. I did have a piece this morning after breakfast while I drank my coffee at my desk. Don't judge.

So I am guessing I am going to have to break this sugar addiction again. I kind of blew it. I need to remember that vegetables are a better snack than those caramel chocolates and crackers.

February 3, 2015
2 piece turkey bacon
1/2 HB egg
4 piece cheese
2 cup weightless tea
DC coffee
Chicken drum stick and wing
1/4 pound hamburger with cheese (no bread)
L/O roasted cauliflower and bell pepper
Couple of almonds
2 chocolate sea salt caramels
L/O chick pea sloppy joe
3 piece Swiss cheese
Almonds and walnuts 
Something weird happened to me tonight . I feel like crap! It started with gas then progressed to a headache and nausea. I didn't eat dinner because I felt like I was going to barf. I would have eaten salmon with grapefruit relish and roasted broccoli and zucchini.

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