Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Man! I have had a lot of gas lately

Is it dairy? Is it gluten? I'm really not sure but for the past 4 days my guts have been bubbly and I've had stinky farts. "Smells like dirty diapers" my kid said! It is probably because I am eating so much cheese. I did have an egg bake dish last night too. And I do eat a lot of eggs. So maybe that has something to do with it.

I fear my snacking may be my downfall. I usually go for cheese because it is the easiest and quickest. I need to do some vegetable prep to make sure I have other choices. It isn't easy to choose broccoli or celery, but that is what needs to be done. My other go to is nuts, but these need to be limited too. The fat content in both of these foods is significant and I can't ignore that.  

Day 2 of the #fedupchallenge, I think I am doing well, although I did have a couple of bites of grits this morning with a drizzle of honey on it. I went grocery shopping last night which is a challenge because when I go and my stomach is gnawing at me for sugar I often cave and grab something off the shelf and eat it while I'm shopping. But I took a different strategy last night. I went to Hugo's and got a coffee, an Americano to be exact (they have a Caribou Coffee in the store now! whoot whoot!). The coffee (it was decaf and I only added a bit of cream, no sweetener) helped a lot.

Day 2, February 10, 2015
This is my typical breakfast:
HB egg (with salt), 2 piece turkey bacon, cheese (that is Cojita cheese)
DC coffee
2 cup Weightless tea
Slice of cheese
Celery and hummus
Baby carrots
Chick pea patty with yogurt cucumber sauce
Banana and natural peanut butter
4 saltines crackers 
Handful of nuts, almonds and walnuts
2 saltines 
4 baby carrots 
Couple of goldfish crackers 
Slice of cheese  
Black bean burger with provolone cheese 
Roasted broccoli with olive oil, salt and pepper 

3 shots cake vodka, 2 glass red wine 

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