Monday, November 3, 2014

Sometimes I feel like the Very Hungry Caterpillar

Well another weekend fail at keeping records. I may have to concede to writing this blog during the week and manually writing down what I eat through out the day on the weekends. I love spending time with the kids and keeping active on the weekends. So, that may just have to suffice then update on Monday or something. 

This morning I am back to 204 pounds. Sometimes when I eat it just isn't enough. I want more and can't seem to stop myself. I don't know where this mentality comes from. Sometimes I look for stuff I can just pig out on. I've tried to work on switching my thought process and choose better things to gorge on like sugar snap peas and mini peppers. Veggies that are good for me and won't cause too much havoc on my body should I over indulge. I do know my triggers and try not to have them in the house. Carmel popcorn, Oreo cookies are just a couple of my over eating triggers.Pasta, I've already discussed my butter addiction, I'm sure there are more I am forgetting, but they are mostly sweets. Oh, Raisinettes are one too.

November 3, 2014
Breakfast: Oatmeal with honey, ground flax seed, and soy milk
1.5 piece turkey bacon
Hard boiled egg
2 piece toast and butter
Hot chocolate sugar free with whip cream
Decaf coffee with cream
2 cup tea
Fun size twix, snickers
Noodles with left over pot roast veggies and gravy
Sugar snap pea pods
Snack on noodles with the kids
more pea pods
Dinner: pan fried salmon with seasoning, mushroom tartlets with puff pastry, spinach, and feta
1 glass red wine

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