Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Oh the stress

This week has been stressful and busy. I'm organized a Youth Waterfowl Hunting Clinic and I'm not sure it will be successful. Anyway, I relieved this stress by mowing down on some ice cream this morning. It was also a stressful morning at the breakfast table with the kids and my husband telling me that my choice of breakfast is what causes the dilly dallying at the table in the morning. He is always in a rush to get us all out the door in the morning and when the kids dilly dally he get frustrated. That just snowballs into a torrent of crying and high tempers.

Anyway, I've also been sick this week and resting a lot. Which means I haven't been exercising. I also skipped soccer on Wednesday night. I just couldn't manage it. Call me lazy, but I've been recovering from the sickness and feel I deserve a break. I'll get back on it on Monday. Meanwhile, party this Saturday! Octoberfest! Beer and sausage here I come!

Exercise = nothing
Friday, September 11, 2015
Cottage cheese with banana
2 cup tea
Ice cream

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