Thursday, November 6, 2014

Still a little sick today

Well, I woke up with snot in my nose and a sore throat and cough. So I'm still sick today, but I am at work and will hopefully recover. Orange juice always makes me feel better when I'm sick. I don't know if it is a left over from when I was a kid or the magical powers of the orange, but it just feels good to drink with a clogged nose and hacking cough.

No weight today. I've also thought about some motivation. My husband and I are going to Mexico in February. We will be in swim suits 80% of the time we are there. So that is some motivation to move on loosing some pounds. Although it will be tough with the holidays coming up. But let's see how it goes.

November 6, 2014
Breakfast: Oatmeal with ground flax seed, soy milk, honey
2 turkey bacon
6 ginger cookies
2 cup tea
1 glass orange juice
Decaf coffee with half and half
Tootsie Roll (long skinny one)
2 Fun size 3 Musketeers
3 pieces of Halloween candy (does it really matter what it was?)
Sugar free hot chocolate with whip cream on top
Chicken, rice and vegetable soup
Pita chips
Left over chicken thigh with tomatoes and onion
Chocolate chips
Dinner: pork loin roasted with pear, onion, and garlic
Roasted sweet potatoes
3 shots flavored alcahol 
Soda water with cherry vodka 
Bread with peanut butter and light honey
Scooby snacks

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