Thursday, November 20, 2014

Ok, I'm back

After a little hiatus I realize I need to stick with this. My weekend of partying at the Motley Crue concert left me in a lazy mood and no motivation to eat right or record anything. I've also gotten pretty busy with work so I don't have a lot of spare time to dedicate to this blog.

Anyway, here we go again. I have started an exercise plan that I hope I can stick to. I love swimming! I was born to do it. It relaxes me and I just feel soothed when I am stroking through the water. So, the local high school pool is open on Wednesday nights for open swimming. Lap swimming! No one else in the pool messing around and playing like at the YMCA. And there are like 10 lanes open! It is also an awesome competition pool. I had trouble getting motivated to use the YMCA pool when we were members for a few reasons. First, the pool isn't that great. There are only 2 lap swimming lanes, the water is too warm for work out swimming and there are always kids in the pool splashing and coming into the lap lanes. And the lifeguards do nothing to stop this.

So I discovered that the high school pool is open from 7:00-8:30 on Wednesday evenings. I worked out with the husband that I would take this evening to do something for myself and go work out. Last night was my first time and it was GREAT! Despite the fact it is a late night work out, I am happy with everything else about the workout space. I did feel like I had no endurance and I felt weak at some points. I could hardly complete a 200 meter swim (8 laps) without needing a break. But I am accepting of this fact because I haven't had a decent workout schedule since Alice was born. I did roller derby after Miles, but I can't say that was a total body workout or anything.

I am hoping that this first step leads me to other workout initiatives. That way I will at least have a chance at loosing some weight and get below 200 and fit into my size 14s.

Weight yesterday, 205 pounds
Breakfast: oatmeal with ground flax seed, pumpkin and banana
Hard boiled egg, 1 piece turkey bacon
Multi grain wheat thins and butter
Nuts and crackers
Chicken, cheese stick, pea pods, crackers
6 Hershey kisses
Pop corn
Cheese stick
Sweet potato, sausage, kale soup
4 vodka shots

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