Thursday, July 9, 2015


Well, yesterday I came to a realization. I am not going to get anywhere unless I make an effort. I also don't want to go out and buy a whole new set of work clothes in a bigger size. I had to go to Bismarck for work yesterday and I realized that none of my dress pants fit me anymore. They are size 14. I have also been having some health issues. My knees have been aching and I have been having more frequent asthma symptoms. Difficulty breathing.

I realized I want to feel strong again. I want to look better in my clothes. But most of all, I want to feel strong again (yes I reiterate). So this morning I started the first day of the "Couch to 5k" program. I have done this training before when I was in grad school training for the triathlon I did. It worked for me. Although I do remember having knee aching back then too.

I've also decided to recommit to the sugar detox. I got a book on my Kindle, but I don't actually want to read about it. I know that I just need to watch what I put in my mouth and don't take in any added sugar. This is difficult at this time of year. Summer is full of ripe fruit and by the end of the month we will have raspberries ready for making all kinds of desserts. I'll just have to moderate.

So I've started to get moving and I need to focus on portion control as well. That may be the biggest challenge. I think I might start eating like a kid and only portion out myself the same amount of food that I portion out for my kids. We'll see how that goes.

OH! I've also decided to cut out the alcohol for a while. Just to see if that helps. I haven't been binging lately, but I have been taking in a lot and frequently. I'm thinking the alcohol may be part of my weight gain in recent months.  

Tuesday July 7, 2015
I didn't need to weigh myself this morning to know I am at 210 pounds.
Microwave  egg dish with cheese and turkey lunch meat
3 gold fish crackers
5 cherries
DC coffee with half and half
1 oz swiss cheese
3/4 cup cottage cheese with stevia
2 cup detox tea
Handful almonds
Meat stick
Tortilla chips and refried black beans
L/O grilled broccoli, red pepper, olives and artichoke hearts with cilantro pesto
Grill chicken k-bobs (marinated in honey and soy sauce) with jalapenos, mushrooms
Brown rice with chard
Cherry yogurt ice pop (home made with minimal sugar)

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