Friday, July 10, 2015

Day 2 of the couch to 5K

Let me just say my legs are killing me. I guess I haven't used them in a while because my muscles and knees are aching! Tuesday I did the first day of the couch to 5K program. 60 seconds of running with 90 seconds of walking with a warm up and cool down. I did yoga on Wednesday to help stretch out my muscles then today I got up at 5:00 am and did the run/walk again.

5:00 am is the only time I have found that works for me to work out. I tell myself that I'm going to work it into my day, but it just doesn't happen. I feel good about it so far. I do need to find a good motivator to keep me going. By feeling good I mean it feels like I am using my muscles even though they are aching. This just means I'm getting stronger right? And that is what I want to get stronger.

Thursday July 9, 2015
2 piece turkey bacon
HB egg
4 piece cheese (about an ounce)
2 cup tea
Lots of junk at the Redhawks game. 
Cracker Jack
Foot long hot dog
Dinner = Cheese burger, green beans and sweet potato fries 
Cherry pie with whip cream

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