Thursday, July 16, 2015

Oh that low blood sugar

Well it happened last night, I had a low blood sugar attack. I was making dinner and started to get light headed and feel funky. I hadn't had that feeling in a long time but it didn't take long for me to recognize it.The hole in my gut feeling is another symptom. It isn't hunger really, it is just a gnawing feeling. I need to not give in to it. It is sticking with me this morning too, so I need to just be aware of it and not break my no sugar promise.

I also had a shitty night sleep last night and now I can't function. I don't know if it was because of the sugar detox or because my husband woke me up  for some lovin' or because my mother-in-law texted me at midnight. Any how, I can hardly keep my eyes open right now and can't focus on work.

Exercise = 20 minute walk run, plus 20 minutes more walking 
Wednesday July 15, 2015
HB egg, strawberries
L/O rice and chicken with ranch sauce
Out to eat for Mexican - Fajitas with rice, refried beans and chips and salsa
Margarita, cocktail, 3 nips, diet Pepsi, Moscow mule at the bar
(there was more that I ate but I can't remember it all right now)

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