Tuesday, October 21, 2014

What will today hold? More bleeding

My cramps seem to be worse today and I don't have much of an appetite. But for some reason I still eat when this happens. I am still bleeding at a constant rate. I am going to try the walk-in clinic on Thursday. We'll see what they say. I can't get an appointment with my regular doctor until December! I'm not going to turn this into a commentary on our health care system. I just fear that if I see someone different I'm not going to get the informed care that I need.

Anyway, this morning I weighed 204 pounds. That is a naked weight but I didn't take a shower this morning. How I gained 6 pounds in a day I can't tell you (could it be all the dirt I accumulated in a day and didn't shower off?). I think I'll blame the scale on this one.

October 21, 2014
Breakfast: 2 piece low-sodium turkey bacon, hard boiled egg, oatmeal with ground flax seed and honey.
I also dink 2 cups of tea a day. A "Mother's Milk" tea because I am still nursing my youngest and a raspberry leaf tea that is supposed to be good for my lady parts.

Decaf coffee with cream
3 piece veggie bologna and 2 piece veggie cheese (this stuff really doesn't taste that great)
Pita chips and hummus 
4 mini peppers
More Triscuits
2 fun size 3 Muskateer candy bars (Halloween candy, another weakness of mine)
2 small handful almonds
8 large olives
Some pita chips
Dinner: snack on 5 triscuits while cooking
Half butterfly pork chop, marinated in olive brine, salt and pepper, pan sauté, roasted broccoli olive oil and salt and pepper, with vinegar condiment. 
Glass of red wine
Walnut, chocolate chips, marshmallows for dessert

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