Thursday, October 23, 2014

What I've realized on Day 4

I haven't been eating a decent lunch at a decent time. It seems like I am just snacking all day. I realized yesterday after the kids were home and the youngest was down for a nap that I hadn't eaten lunch. It was around 3:00 and I actually started shaking because my blood sugar was low. So how about that, I'm learning something. I think it has to do with my schedule. I work part-time from 8:30 to 12:45. Then I go pick up the kids from daycare. This may be my problem. I sit at my desk all morning and grab snacks to sustain myself. But once the kids come home I don't have time to fix something decent. I should probably be taking a break from work and fix something substantial.

This morning I weighed 202 pounds. That is consistent with yesterday and less puzzling than be big swing of the last 3 days. Maybe me and my scale have worked things out.

October 23, 2014
Breakfast: Egg, 2 lower sodium turkey bacon, oatmeal with ground flax seed, soy milk and honey
2 cup tea - Raspberry leaf and mother's milk tea
Decaf coffee with splash of cream
leftovers from last night (rigatoni with pumpkin), added black beans and olive oil
bread with butter (canola oil/butter mix spread)
2 3 Muskateers fun size candy
7 layer boritto and nachos with cheese sauce from Taco Bell (I know this is bad)
Dinner: beef and barley stew
Halloween cookie
Fun size M&M
Pumpkin seeds
Caramel corn

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