Monday, October 27, 2014

One muffin left

Well, there is one of those Perkin's muffins left and I think I'll eat it today! I didn't weigh myself this morning. I honestly forgot. Mornings are a busy time with getting ready for the day and getting 2 kids ready and out the door. We all sit down to breakfast together. I like doing this. It is our family time. We have dinners together too, but this morning time is free of the stress from the day. Everyone is refreshed and for the most part happy.

October 27, 2014
Breakfast: Oatmeal with soy milk, raisins, ground flax seed, and honey
2 piece turkey bacon
Hard boiled egg
Pumpkin seeds (we carved pumpkins and I roasted the seeds, I hope these aren't bad for you because I am mowing them down)
Carrot Perkin's muffin (it's got carrots in it so it is healthy right?)

My guts started to rumble by noon. I think I ate too many pumpkin seeds.
Fun size 3 Muskateers bar
Spinich salad with cucumber, blue cheese stuffed olives, balsamic vinegar, olive oil, salt and pepper (I felt good about this choice because I consciously chose not to have a piece of bread smothered in butter)
Leftovers for dinner
Beans with ham over white rice
1/4 of a 1/4 pound hamburger 
Halloween cookie
Cheetos puffs (this was a poor choice I know! I was grocery shopping and wanted a snack, I guess I started to get hungry again after dinner and it was easy to just pick up a bag of chips)

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