Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Ok, need to get back on track

Arg! I think I need a cleanse or something. My guts are all torn up since we got back from Mexico (end of February). This seems like a long time to have this happening. I went to the doctor and got a prescription to help clear things up. But I thought I would do the yogurt and pro biotic thing to try and sort it out on my own. I know I need to sugar detox again. That will be a challenge. Last week I binged on Nutella and crackers.

I am just coming off my period and feel like I can tackle things anew. I also need to get back into my once a week swimming routine. We now have a Family Fitness Center membership and I just ordered a Fitbit (it should be here next week). So here is to getting back into a fitness swing.

Our lives got shaken up a little when our daycare provider closed last week with 3 days notice to find a new place by Monday. Good news is I found a place for the kids and it is near our house. I've decided to walk the kids to daycare so I will be getting some steps in then. I wonder if that Fitbit works when you swim and bike because those are the exercises I like to do most.

March 18, 2015
Oatmeal with pecans, raspberries, cashew milk, stevia
Bagel chips with hummus (and some mayonnaise, I know this sounds a little gross but it has balsamic vinegar in it and it tastes really good) 
Smoothie - banana, mango, orange, yogurt, cashew milk, ground flax seed
Decaf coffee with whip cream
2 cup weightless tea
Potato salad 
Gold fish crackers 
Peppers onion taco meat
Cheese several pieces
Chicken salad 
2 chocolate caramel 
4 shots flavor vodka 
3 glass wine

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