Thursday, December 17, 2015

Gut fauna

So I've heard that sauerkraut is good at improving your gut fauna. I am thinking that is what I need. I also need to cut my carbs. I am just not feeling up to par lately and I need to make some changes. I think my junk food binge is catching up to me.

When Aaron was gone a couple of weeks ago I bought tater tots and made them and hot dogs for the kids and I. I NEVER do that! I mean we only get hot dogs when we are at street festivals or summer BBQs. I never make them at home. I've also thought I need to start some physical activity again. I am getting winded if I have to walk up the stairs 3 or more times. Not good.

So I'm back on my kick and trying to commit. This morning I ate leftover quinoa with feta, kale, and tomatoes and a hard boiled egg. I'm trying to sugar and carb detox and it is so hard. But I'll keep trying. But Christmas is coming and there are all kinds of treats and bingeing available this time of year! Yes, there are so this will be extra hard.

Keeping away from alcohol will be a challenge too. I just need to stop buying it, well and stop drinking it too.

I feel like it is also time to get tracking on my fit bit. I haven't even been hitting my goal of 10k steps!

Tuesday, December 16, 2015
2 cup DC tea
HB egg
L/O quinoa, feta, chickpea, kale, tomato (salad)
DC coffee (Santa's White Christmas) with whip cream
Meat stick
Cheese stick
L/O pheasant stir fry and white rice
Peanut butter/oat/chocolate chip cookie
Peppermint candy
Cup of egg nog
Fried fish tacos (at a friend's)

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