Tuesday, December 22, 2015

We are spoiling our kids

I am afraid we are spoiling our kids and raising brats! As I start to think this thought I get an email in my in box from "What to Expect" titled "How not to spoil your child"

Alice screams a lot and tries to get her way that way. Miles starts to cry. These are the tantrums I have to put up with. I guess I just need to get tougher. One night I put a bunch of Alice's toys in "time-out" and nothing worked. Why won't they listen to me and do as I ask?!!!

Thursday, December 17, 2015
Cottage cheese
HB egg
2 cup tea
2 rice cakes with humus and avacado
DC coffee
Light egg nog (I bought this light stuff by mistake, but it isn't too bad)
Chunk of mozzarella cheese

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