Tuesday, October 6, 2015


Ok, I think I need a carb detox. We got back from our LA vacation last week. We had a blast and the best eating experience we had were these awesome doughnuts from Stan's Doughnuts. There was this chocolate peanut butter one that I can't stop talking about.

I need to recommit to my health. I've slacked off, I think mostly because of pain and lack of results. I did feel stronger but even though I said my main goal wasn't loosing weight, I think I was deluding myself.

Plus, this weekend my mother-in-law was visiting and we had a guest for dinner on Sunday. This guest is a particularly picky eater and my husband informed me that he doesn't eat beans. Well that cut out the recipe I had planned for the evening. Enchiladas from this new cook book I got.
It is a vegan cook book which I have never tried before. My husband baked the banana bread recipe from the Thug Kitchen Cook book this weekend and it was great.

I'm looking forward to exploring and making the recipes in this book. It may help me with my diet rehab.

So anyway, we ate out on Saturday and I had a pasta dish, then on Sunday we had spaghetti and meatballs (my delicious recipe) which was more pasta. And I just ate the leftovers from my pasta dinner on Saturday. So no wonder I feel like I need a carb detox. Plus I can feel the number on the scale rising.

Exercise = 
Monday, October 5, 2015
Cottage cheese
Bagel with butter
L/O tortellini with cheese sauce and asparagus and chicken
DC coffee
2 cup tea 
Piece of Bologna 
Meat stick
Chocolate covered blue berries
Red beans and rice

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