Wednesday, October 21, 2015

The stomach bug

The mysterious stomach bug. When you get it you will know. Diarrhea, vomiting, general feeling of weakness. Yep that's how it goes. It has run its course through the family here and we are slowly recovering. My 4 year old got it first and I'm convinced he got it from school.

Everyone goes through it at some point right! It isn't pretty and when your kid is barfing and doesn't yet know they should make it to the bathroom before they puke all over the carpet it can be a big mess. My 2 year old puked all over our rug and we had to drag it outside and hose it down. I'm just hoping that my nose hasn't gone blind to the smell and we were actually able to get the smell out of the house.

Exercise = 45 minute nature walk with the kid
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
Cottage cheese with rhubarb jelly
Egg and cheese in a cup
Beans and feta
Rice crackers
DC coffee with whip cream
2 cup tea
Stuffed acorn squash - with sausage, onion, celery and apple

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