Friday, July 8, 2016

Making better choices...mostly

I feel achy and tired and sore. I'm not sure what is wrong with me but mostly I believe it is my weight gain. I don't know what I am at right now, but I know my body is in shut down mode. I ran out of my Singular (the medicine they give you for asthma) and thought I could go without it. Turns out I was wrong. I couldn't breathe!! I was using my inhaler about 4 times a day. It was insane!
Well I got a refill of that prescription and feel much better now. But I can't help but think about if I lost some weight if that would help. People who loose weight always brag about how they don't have to take their prescriptions anymore and how their health has improved. So I'm going to start making better choices and turn things around. I've made up some steps to start with and hopefully I can stick to them.

1) Stop drinking (alcohol)
2) Do something active every day
3) Cut sugar - sugar detox!!!
4) Cut carbs - try going gluten free
5) Eat at least 2 vegetarian dinners per week (one potentially vegan)

So let's see how this goes. I'm on day 3 of my sugar detox and it is going ok. I had trouble last night but had a sugar free ricotta cheese dessert and felt better.

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