Thursday, July 7, 2016

I'm 40!!!!!!

My surprise 40th rockin' birthday party
 Well, I've made it to 40 years old. Can you believe it? I feel that there are some activities in my life that surely had I not had luck on my side I would have died. But I'm hear and a much more cautious adult because of those experiences.

I've also found that I've become a lot bolder. I am more sure of my opinions and am not afraid to voice them. I've become more confident in those opinions and views and do not apologize for them. I've also found what is important in life. My kids, my husband, my parents, my brother and his family, my friends, all these things I cherish.

And Disney...I love Disney!!!
We met Elsa!
I also believe that I have come to a point in life when I want to make my mark. I've taken on a couple of tasks as I reach this point in my life that my heart has guided me to. I've become a Lamaze Childbirth Educator because I feel the women in my community need this resource. I searched for childbirth education that would help me have an unmedicated birth and couldn't find it. So now I'm going to provide it. I have a blog for that too.

I've also decided to get involved with the movement to make kids safe around guns and the Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America group working to encourage legislation that would keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people. My friend and I were recently part of a "Day of Action" for the group where we went to Senator Heidi Heitkamp's office in Bismarck to ask her to support background checks. We were on the news on two stations and in the Bismarck Tribune.

So that is what 40 has done to me. I'm bolder and more concerned about things. Enough to take action to fix them. And I'm proud of that.

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