Sunday, July 17, 2016

Eating on the road

Eating on the road is challenging when you are trying to change your habits. I've been trying to make good choices but it is tempting to make the wrong ones.

I am on the road in Billings Montana for a conference for work. Conferences are the worst because you don't have a lot of control over the food provided. Last night was a heavy hour dovers at the Zoo here. It was a fun night and I really liked the opportunity to walk around the zoo. I think I made some good choices from the buffet. I did have a roll but I didn't eat the brownies.

However, when I got back to the hotel I did walk over to a close by gas station for a sweet treat. A huckleberry flavored ice cream sandwich. It was Sweet and berry flavored and a lot better than I was expecting.

Also near my hotel is a fun sex boutique, Adam and Eve. I went in there to browse. I did find a couple of corsets that didn't fit AT ALL! I was pretty disappointed that even in an XL with the laces all the way out it didn't come close to closing together around me. Mehh. Oh well, I guess I need to shop somewhere else. I'll tell you about my corset search later.

So this morning I missed the provided breakfast for the conference, so I ate in the hotel restaurant. I made a choice I really enjoyed, a skillet with potatoes, bacon, sausage, peppers, and  mushrooms topped with 2 eggs. I only ate a quarter of it, which was a good choice IMO. I probably could have made a better choice, but I enjoyed it.

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