Wednesday, November 25, 2015

I am officially on a junk food binge

Junk food! I typically have the will power to stay away from it, but while grocery shopping last night I found myself purchasing potato chips and corn chips. I just couldn't seem to help myself.
These things are delicious by the way

Maybe it is the whole Thanksgiving thing and I'm getting ready for a fun and food filled holiday. I can't say. Part of it may also be that I'm feeling sick no matter what I eat these days. My guts have been reeling with gas lately and I can't figure out what is doing it. Yesterday I ate a spinach salad and my guts turned inside out. The other day I ate McDonald's and my guts ached (no surprise but still).

Last night I ate up all the french fried onions that were supposed to be for the green bean casserole for Thanksgiving. These things are like the most dangerous food ever made. They are addictive. Plus I've been snacking on the candies I bought to fill the kids' Christmas countdown calendar. Hershey kisses and peanut butter cups. I'm going to hell!

I also got a bit wasted last night. I drank quite a bit and smoked a little. So that probably accounts for the munchie factor.
But the good news is...I got a new hair cut!

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