Thursday, February 12, 2015

I am responsible for food

I realized something the other day when I was questioning my obsession with food. I think it stems from the fact that I am responsible for the food that is in our house and the food my family consumes. My husband does hunt and brings meat in that way (which I love). But as far as grocery shopping, food preparation and everyday eating, that is all on me. Not that I want to fall into that traditional wife roll in the household, but in all honesty I do hold a traditional wife/mother roll in our family, I do most of the cooking and cleaning. My husband takes care of the outside of the house, I manage the inside. It seems fair.

He has picked up some hobbies. He is baking bread and making pizzas. I got him a baking steel for Christmas and I love that he experiments with it. (If you like to make your own bread and pizzas this is a really great item to have) My husband does take on some adventures in the kitchen, he makes sausage out of the game he hunts (but it is usually up to me to incorporate it into our meals and cook it), and every once in a while he will cook some recipe that he finds intriguing. I leave him in charge of cooking the lamb we split with a friend. He is really good at cooking big hunks of meat and delicate things like lamb chops (like butter).

So day 4 of the Fed Up Challenge (10 days sugar free) and 200 pounds on the scale this morning. That is good. I guess it is getting easier, but not really. The gnawing in my stomach is still there and I am still craving sweets. It helps that there isn't anything in the house to tempt me. I can generally stay away from the cookies I buy for my husband's lunch, and the kids have a special stash that I don't look at. But those darn sea salt chocolate caramels! I love them, but they are so tempting.

Day 4, February 12, 2015
HB egg
2 piece turkey bacon
4 piece cheese (extra sharp cheddar)
1/2 grapefruit
DC coffee
2 cup weightless tea
L/O egg bake with sausage, spinach, feta cheese
Diced tomatoes
Dried green beans (WHY! these things are pretty good, they are surprisingly sweet. But I read the ingredients and Tapioca Dextrin is in them. Dextrin is on the "different names for sugar list" although it is Dextran (with an "a" not an "i") so I don't know if that makes a difference, it probably doesn't)
Slice Swiss cheese
Few bites of L/O beans from last night 
Handful of almonds and walnuts
L/O tofu taco with added pork roast and Greek yogurt 
Celery with hummus 
Celery with peanut butter 
L/O sausage and broccoli 
Little bit L/O stir fry 
2 glass red wine 
2.5 shots cake vodka 
Throat coat tea

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