Monday, February 9, 2015

Fed up...with sugar

Ok, so have you seen this documentary "Fed Up"?
"The government is subsidizing the obesity epidemic"
When I watch these things I get enraged and get determined to change things. That is good right? That is what these documentaries are meant to do. The same thing happened when I watched "Super Size Me". I quit eating fast food. Granted I go back every once in a while, but it is no where near the level I used to eat.

This documentary focuses on kids and the lunches they are served in school, high school and middle school. But I also got to thinking, what about college kids? When I went to UF there was a cafeteria that had fairly good food. But they also brought in fast food chains into the common area. Also, when I was getting my Master's at MSU, the student union was filled with McDonalds, Subway, Wendy's, Pizza Hut. What kind of message is that sending to those young people too. There was a cafeteria at MSU as well, but the hours were not as convenient as the Union food hours.

Anyway, I am committed now to getting the sugar out of our diets. The whole family! I had a talk with our day care provider and told her I want to limit the amount of sugar the kids get. She started pulling stuff out that had 23g and 14g of sugar in it. I told her not to feed them anything with more than 3 grams. I'd like it to be none, but she doesn't seem to have anything on the shelf that isn't sugar laden.

Anyway, this is my newest crusade. They said in this documentary that getting off sugar is like getting off drugs. There are withdraw symptoms and serious cravings. I get that! That is my life. I love sugar!

So here we go, I am going to do this Fed Up 10 day challenge. I am going to do my best to get my family on board, but I am going to start with myself. I am going to do my part to fight obesity. I am not too worried about my son, but my daughter I can see she already has a veracious sweet tooth. So I can see her potentially having problems in the future. 

Here we go #fedupchallenge Day 1

February 9, 2015
HB egg
1 piece turkey bacon
Cojita cheese
DC coffee
2 cup weightless tea
L/O chick pea burger with Greek yogurt cucumber sauce
Green bean, cucumber, bell pepper salad with olive oil, Greek yogurt, white balsamic vinegar sauce 
(I had a left over piece of salmon in the fridge that I tried to eat but just couldn't, I tried to mix it with olive oil, plain yogurt and vinegar but I couldn't get it to taste good, I would have used mayonnaise but I read the label and it has added sugar)
Spinach salad with chicken, egg, black olives, olive oil, white balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper
Celery and natural peanut butter
Several goldfish crackers
Handful assorted nuts
Piece of cheese 
Frittata with HM sausage, feta, Spinich 
Roasted potatoes 
It is grocery night! The challenge for me is to not pick up anything sweet while I'm shopping.
I have a headache and a gnawing feeling in my gut. Could this be sugar withdrawal?
DC Carabou coffee
3 spoonful ricotta cheese 
4 piece sharp cheddar cheese 
4 saltine crackers 

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